This step assumes you've already done HW0.2.
Learn the command line by reading the Intro and Tutorials 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 in the University of Surrey's Unix tutorial. Note that this tutorial assumes that you're working on a Unix computer, which (probably) none of you will be. Instead, on a Mac computer, the Terminal program is your Unix-style command-shell program; on a Windows computer, Cygwin is your Unix-style command-shell program.
Hand-in: follow these steps and then take a screenshot of your terminal window showing all your work. It should all fit on fewer than a dozen lines in the terminal. If you mess up, please delete the files and directories you make, exit the terminal, and start again; I want to see a completely clean execution of these steps.
, and move into that
command to create a new file called haiku.txt
containing a three-line haiku — you can write your own, or copy down one you look up.