In this class, we will write our code in Python 3. Python 3 is already installed on all the CMC lab machines, but if you want to work at home, you most likely won't already have the necessary tools on your computer.
Fortunately, though, the CS department's resident IT wizard, Mike Tie, has created a virtual machine for us: a virtual computer, with its own operating system and everything, that runs as a program on your own computer! This virtual machine is automatically set up with all the tools you'll need for this class. Unfortunately, since it's a whole separate operating system, it takes up a lot of space; you'll need at least 12GB of free space on your hard drive. That's really the only downside, and if you have the space, the virtual machine (or VM) is the easiest way to get set up to work at home for this class.
Mike's office is CMC 305, and he's happy to walk you through these steps if you'd like help getting set up; just email him or stop by his office.
Mike has written up a set of instructions for setting up the VM on your own computer. This involves downloading VirtualBox, the software that runs the VM, and then installing the VM's disk image (which contains the new operating system and all the tools we need for class) into VirtualBox.
So, the first thing to do is follow Mike's instructions for setting up the VM.
Once you have the VM installed, there's one initial configuration thing you have to do to get Python working properly.
. If it's there, double-click on it. If it isn't, you need to go back to Mike's instructions and install the VM itself from the keydrive.sudo apt-get install python3-tk
In the terminal window, you'll be asked for your password. Mike's instructions tell you the default password for this system, but you should have already changed your password with the passwd
command. Whatever the current password is for your VM (which is not necessarily the same as your regular Carleton password!), enter it here.
If you enter the password incorrectly, the program will prompt you for it again. If you enter it correctly, then a bunch of text should get spit out. If the last line begins with “E:” (which means “Error”), something went wrong. Otherwise, you're all set!
You should always do work for this class on your Course drive. Your Course drive is available as long as you're connected to Carleton's network (which means that connecting by wifi in the dorms is just fine). If you're off-campus, you'll need to use VPN. If you don't have experience with that, come talk to me or Mike Tie.
If you've just booted up the VM, your Course drive may not yet be mounted. To check on it, and mount it if necessary, follow these steps:
You will be asked for your Carleton username (that's the first half of your email address, before the @ sign) and your password; hit Enter or Return after each one. The program will tell you whether it succeeded in mounting the Course drive.