HW16: Heapsort

25 points; due Mon 5/26 @ 11am.


To write and use a priority-queue implementation.

This is optionally a partner assignment.

Setup and Requirements

Download Heap.java and PriorityQueue.java.

Your Tasks

  1. Write an array-based Max-Heap implementation called ArrayHeapImplementation. Include a main method to test its functionality.
  2. Write a heap-based Max-Priority-Queue implementation called HeapPriorityQueueImplementation. Include a main method to test its functionality.
  3. Use your priority queue to implement heapsort. Time the algorithm and compare its performance to mergesort on inputs of a variety of sizes. Note that your heapsort will produce items in descending order by priority, whereas mergesort will put them in ascending order. If that's the only difference between their outputs (that they're the reverse of each other), this is fine.
  4. Write your timing observations up in a plaintext file called heap-vs-merge.txt.

Submission and Grading

Zip up all your implementation files and your timing writeup into hw16.zip and submit it on Moodle.